4:18 am - Monday March 31, 2025

Indians Abroard

Rajiv Gupta

India born Rajiv Gupta is presently the GM of Hewlett Packard. Ever since his childhood, Rajiv Gupta aspired to do something which would have positive impact on the lives of the people. He wanted to something which could change the world for betterment. This dream of Rajeev Gupta could finally be in reach, Itanium, his dream, is coming to a reality. Rajiv Gupta had a chance to use his compiler know-how and expertise in new ways - the Itanium family architecture demands the highest level of interface between the compiler and the hardware and he had a unique opportunity to help found an instruction set that was based definitely on these principles.

Rajiv studied at the IIT Kharagpur, India, for his bachelor's degree. Thereafter Rajeev got one of the prestigious places at the California Institute ofTechnology (CalTech). At the Caltech, Rajiv earned his PhD, in a little less than a year, studying compilers and the methods to optimize them. Rajiv is an academic eccentric; he has a knack of working to get the desired, single mindedly.

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