Mike Tyson’s marathon sex sessions in jail left him too tired for gym

New York – Boxing great Mike Tyson has revealed in his new book that he was having so much sex at one time that he was too tired to even go the gym and work out, while in prison.
According to the New York Daily News, at one time, Tyson was the baddest man on the planet, a heavyweight champion who terrorized anyone who got in his way, inside the ring or out.
More recently he’s unburdened himself as perhaps the most tortured soul on earth, with a one-man show on Broadway that Spike Lee has turned into an HBO special airing Nov. 16, the report said.
The sex is detailed in almost clinical terms, and the many women in Tyson’s life flow in and out of the pages like they did in his life, the report added.
Even in prison he got his fill, he says, first with visitors and then with a prison drug counselor who suddenly became available after Tyson had 10,000 dollars sent to her home to fix her roof, the report further said.
The book is in Tyson’s voice but written by Larry Sloman and offers a fascinating look into a life that up until now had already been well chronicled, according to the report.