Judokas, Cuban athletes of the year

Havana – Judokas Idalys Ortiz and Asley Gonzalez have been named the best athletes of Cuba for 2013 in individual sports.
A survey by the Cuban National Sports Institute (INDER) selected the two athletes, said a statement issued by the organisation Thursday.
Ortiz (+78 kg), Olympic gold medallist in London 2012 and world champion at Rio de Janeiro 2013, as well as Gonzalez (90 kg), silver medal winner at the London Olympics and gold in the 2013 worlds in Rio were chosen in the survey conducted by the INDER experts and sports journalists.
In team sports, the 2013 Best Cuban Athletes were basketball player Yamara Amargo and baseball player Freddy Asiel Alvarez.
Boxing was chosen as the best individual sport, while among team sports baseball and women’s basketball were the best.
Meanwhile, a list of 10 most outstanding athletes in Cuba include Julio Cesar la Cruz and Lazaro Alvarez (boxing), Rafael Al! ba and Glenhis Hernandez (taekwondo), Yarelis Silva and Pedro Pablo Pic! hardo (athletics), Leinier Dominguez (chess), Alfredo Despaigne (baseball), Livan Lopez (wrestling) and Angel Fournier (canoeing).
The INDER also announced that Gusmary Garcia and boxer Johannys Argilagos were chosen as the best athletes in youth category.