Yahoo! users give thumbs down to latest email change

Washington – Yahoo!’s revamped email service is getting a big, fat thumbs down from users.
In a posting last weekend, Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer announced plans to add a multi-tasking function, called ‘Recent’ to its email service.
According to the New York Post, Mayer hoped the new feature would calm down users irked at the recent elimination of the much-used tabs function.
But so far, users have not been able to accept the change.
The new function allows them to easily see their most recent activities, while the tab feature allowed them to multi-task by toggling between separate emails.
According to the report, users blasted Mayer’s peace offering, saying the new “Recent” function doesn’t compensate for tabs.
The post, which pleads with Mayer to “please bring back tabs,” has attracted more than 100,000 “votes” and 9,319 comments as of Monday, the report said.
Stacey Hurwitz, a public relations and marketing expert in Los Gatos, Calif., said she’s considering a permanent switch to Gmail due to the changes, despite being a loyal Yahoo! user since the late 1990s, the report added.