Twitter, Facebook celebrity spat heats up

Wellington – Twitter and Facebook celebrity spat has grown, as both the social networking sites want to have more celebs on their network.
The celebrity battle is the major clash between these two rivals.
Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are the most followed celebrities on Twitter, yet the pop stars have even more ‘likes’ on Facebook, reports.
According to the report, now the world’s biggest social network is looking to capitalise.
As Twitter has launched its successful initial public offering, Facebook is preparing to roll out a tool that makes it easier for the rich and famous to chat with their followers, sources said.
According to the report, letting actors, athletes and politicians communicate in 140 characters via public question-and-answer sessions has helped Twitter become popular.
The site has removed the barrier between celebrity and fan.
According to the report, the stakes escalate now that Twitter must appease investors while also competing more deeply with Facebook, which is helping its billion-plus users interact with their heroes.
Both the companies are trying to connect advertisers with mobile users, bolster international revenue and hire Silicon Valley’s most coveted developers.
Facebook in a bid to lure celebrity attention is improving products to woo musicians, sports stars and other popular personalities, encouraging them to interact with fans.
The social networking site is pursuing some of the same TV partners, sending weekly reports to networks that include data around user activity on the social network tied to top shows, the report added.