Sony exec says latest PS4 owners to see `great surprises` in 2014

London – Sony’s latest gaming console Playstation 4 (PS4) owners are likely to witness a number of ‘great surprises’, as said by the company’s executive.
Playstation UK Managing Director Fergal Gara said that a number of ‘gems’ will be released on the next generation console in 2014 that will ‘push the boundaries’.
According to the Daily Express, Gara revealed that the company’s all major studios are working on PS4 content and it will take a couple of months for supply levels to be able to meet demand for the console which, after its UK launch, went onto becoming the fastest selling console in history.
He further pinpointed racing game Drive Club, action adventure inFAMOUS Second Son and shooter The Order 1886 as titles for gamers to look forward to in 2014.
Gara revealed that two titles which will define what next generation gaming will look in its mature phase will be Watch Dogs and Destiny.
The report added Gara saying that gamers could look forward to seeing publishers really push the boundaries of what this great machine can do.
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