Samsung asks disgruntled customer to remove video clip showing burnt Galaxy S4

Washington – Samsung has reportedly asked a Canadian customer to remove a video showing his damaged Galaxy S4, as it is apparently denting the company’s image.
Richard Wygand posted a YouTube video in which he claimed that his Galaxy S4 was `dangerously defective` because after he plugged the device for charging, he woke up to find it burnt.
Wygand attempted to a get a replacement from a service provider, Rogers, who redirected him to go see Samsung, who in turn asked for a video proof, prompting the disgruntled Canadian to upload the video, Mashable reports.
The video soon gained popularity, but Wygand posted another video saying that he received a phone call for ‘similar model’ replacement for which he was allegedly asked by Samsung to first sign a legal document requiring him to remove the video and keep mum about the agreement and surrender any possible future claims against the company.
After a seemingly threatening call, Wygand in his follow-up video warned people about buying an S4 or have an S4 and said that he was a Samsung fan until he read the letter.
Meanwhile, the South Korean company said that it takes the safety and security of its customers very seriously and the Samsung Canada team is in touch with the customer and investigating the matter.