Now, `smart iPad baby seat` to take care of toddlers when you are away at work!

Washington – Working parents can now heave a sigh of relief as a smart baby seat has been developed that holds an iPad in front of the baby’s eyes and lets her play and learn with innovative apps.
Toymaker Fisher-Price has unveiled the ‘Newborn-to-Toddler Apptivity Seat for iPad’, which is a baby seat that features a plastic case designed to hold an iPad smack in front of baby’s eyes.
According to Fox News, the seat allows the iPad device to be locked inside the case to protect from dribbles and drool and users can download free apps for the baby’s learning and play.
The seat, priced at 79.99 dollars is also designed with a 3 point restraint for safety, and to make sure junior can’t escape.
However, some parents are outraged with the product as the American Pediatric Association recommends no screen time for babies under 2 years of age.
The disgusted parents argued that babies need to move to understand and explore their world and they need to manipulate things, not passively watch them.
Meanwhile, a child psychologist, Dr. Nava Silton agreed that the main worry is that parents will use the seat and iPad as a babysitter, exposing their kids to the screen for hours on end.
However, a Fisher-Price representative Kathleen Alfano defended the product and said that it is up to parents to decide if they want to expose their children to a bombardment of pre-school digital programming.
Alfano said that the Seat iPad feature is for those times when parents want to use this visual display option as another way to stimulate and engage their baby, and if they don’t want to use the device, they can remove the bar completely.