Now, get fit courtesy smartphone connected Jawbone Up24 bracelet

Washington – Jawbone has reportedly added Bluetooth feature to its fitness bracelet Up24, allowing users to connect their smartphones with the band and also set daily goals.
The Jawbone Up, priced at 130 dollars did not have the Bluetooth feature and users were required to plug it into a phone everytime to sync it up and monitor their activity.
However, the Up24, priced at 150 dollars lets users wirelessly connect to their smartphone and a feature called ‘Today I will’ allows users to set daily goals for running or any movement, ABC News report.
The latest band is available in black and orange and is devoid of any screen to display the progress of workout, but due to its Bluetooth connectivity, it can send push notifications to the phone to nudge the user to get up and walk more based on how many steps they have already taken as set in the daily goal.
The report said that currently the device is supported only on iPhone, and its Android support is coming soon.