New WiTrack 3D motion-tracker system can see through walls

Sydney – A research group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has created a high-resolution, 3D motion tracking system that works through walls and other obstructions.
Using radio waves, researchers there have created an antennae system called WiTrack that can map the movements of a human in the next room.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Dina Katabi, co-director of MIT’s Centre for Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, explained that the goal was to create a system designed for everyday people.
WiTrack’s radio signal is just one percent as strong as Wi-Fi and 0.1 percent of your smartphone’s signal, yet it can track movements with surprising accuracy.
Katabi and her team believe the technology could one day be layered into existing motion-gaming technology to create a more immersive experience, the report said.
According to the report, WiTrack uses just one antenna that transmits radio waves and three receiver antennae to receive the waves that bounce back.