New smart glasses could help blind navigate

Washington – Scientists are in the process of developing a pair of “smart glasses” that is going to help blind people navigate unfamiliar territory by recognizing objects or translating signs into speech.
Researchers from Oxford University in England are trying to create a set of sophisticated glasses that use camera and software to find objects and display them on the lenses of glasses, Discovery News reported.
The smart glass consists of two small cameras mounted on the corners of the glasses capture two different pictures, just as human eyes do.
The glasses show data from cameras on transparent LED displays on the lenses, so the user can see an enhanced image as well as use their remaining sight.
Comparing the distance between the cameras tell how far the object is from the user.
A set of headphones takes text and is able to translate it into speech to provide directions or read signs aloud.
They are also equipped with a compass, a GPS and a gyroscope.