Mysterious` Google barges to be interactive learning centers

Sydney – The lid upon the secretive barges floating in the San Francisco Bay with Google’s name on top of it has been finally lifted with the search giant revealing that the large structures are going to serve as interactive learning centers.
Google has revealed that it is exploring using the two large barges on the East and West coasts as interactive learning centres.
According to, the company rubbished all the speculations that it could be a floating data center, a wild party boat or a secret lab for exclusive products, but said that it is still early days and things may change and the company is still exploring ways to use the structure.
The search giant further said that the huge structures could be used for as an interactive space where people can learn about new technology.
C & C Marine and Repair, the builder of the 250 feet long, 72 feet wide, and 16 feet deep barge said that a vessel like BAL 0010 is capable of going ‘anywhere the owner can take it’, including into open water.