Microsoft to bring back Start Menu in upcoming Windows 8.2

Washington – Microsoft is reportedly planning to reintroduce the good old Start Menu to its upcoming Windows 8.2.
With the launch of Windows 8 that attempted to bring essentially a tablet-style layout on the conventional desktop mode, a lot of users were put off by the complex OS and dearly missed the Start button.
However, with a tweaked Windows 8.1, the Start button did find its way in the OS, but a complete Start Menu is expected to feature in the next version, Fox News reports.
Paul Thurrott at Windows IT Pro revealed that the ultimate failure of Windows 8 wasn’t that Microsoft embraced mobile technologies, it was that it did so without taking into account how poor this experience would be for the 1.5 billion people who use Windows on traditional PCs.
Thurrott said that the changes in Windows 8.2 won’t be before 2014, the report added.