Google to include sails on its `mysterious barge` in SF Bay

Washington – Google is reportedly set to include a dozen of massive sails to its four-story ‘mysterious’ barge in the heart of the San Francisco Bay so as to create a floating artistic structure that will stand out.
The barge was speculated to be either a floating data-centre getting power from the sea, or the search giant’s big party boat, or even a showroom cum lab for exclusive products like Google Glass.
However, Google put to rest all the rumours and said that it plans to use the vessel as an ‘interactive space where people can learn about new technology’ and the company is still thinking about its further use, Fox News reports.
According to the report, Google has dodged public scrutiny by essentially constructing a boat, not a building which lets the company evade permits from San Francisco, a city with copious inspection and paperwork requirements for builders.
C & C Marine and Repair, the builder of the 250 feet long, 72 feet wide, and 16 feet deep barge said that a vessel like BAL 0010 is capable of going ‘anywhere the owner can take it’, including into open water.