Dumbest` password stolen from Adobe hack was 123456!

Washington – Adobe was recently hit by a massive hack-attack affecting over 38 million users and putting their classified information at risk including that of credit card details.
It is indeed astonishing to find that despite the increased threat of every piece of information put on any tech company’s database being on the hit list of hackers, people still choose to opt for easy-to-guess passwords.
According to Mashable, some of the dumbest or apparently ‘most popular’ of the Adobe passwords include something as easy as ‘123456’ and worse still, ‘password’ itself.
The early October hack breached Adobe servers and hackers gained access to a whopping 130 million passwords.
Password cracker and researcher at Stricture Consulting Group deciphered six million of the passwords, and revealed the most common and very easy to guess passwords.
The top 20 dumbest Adobe passwords include:
1. 123456
2. 123456789
3. password
4. adobe123
5. 12345678
6. qwerty
7. 1234567
8. 111111
9. photoshop
10. 123123
11. 1234567890
12. 000000
13. abc123
14. 1234
15. adobe1
16. macromedia
17. azerty
18. iloveyou
19. aaaaaa
20. 654321