How to Migrate Your Data to the Cloud Safely?
If your business has decided to migrate your data to cloud storage from a localized device such as a computer, or a USB, there are many factors which you need to consider to ensure that your data is safe in the future. Although the Cloud is a relatively safe option and has more security features... read more »

Fundamental Digital Marketing Techniques to Master in 2019
The world of digital marketing can be a tough nut to crack at times but we’re very fortunate to live in a world in which the target audience for your business is just a few clicks away. Figuring out how to get your customers or clients to make those crucial clicks is the hard part, but here are a... read more »

5 Reasons To Pursue Data Analytics Training
90% of the data was created in the last couple of years alone. Moreover, as per a NASSCOM report, the FinTech market is growing at a CAGR of 22% and is expected to reach $73 billion by 2020 i.e. next year. These statistics tell us about how rapidly we are becoming a data-driven world and how it has... read more »

Eight Simple Money Saving Hacks for Students
Attending college can offer you some of the best years of your life, whether you are planning to go to college for the first time and get the full experience by living on campus, or you’re planning to return to your studies later in life in order to boost your career prospects by gaining new... read more »