‘Urvashi Butalia not on Tejpal case panel’

New Delhi – Author and publisher Urvashi Butalia is not on the committee Tehelka was planning to set up to probe the Tarun Tejpal case, tweeted Zubaan Books Tuesday.
Urvashi Butalia is the director of Zubaan Books.
“Zubaan would like to clarify that our director Urvashi Butalia is not on the committee Tehelka was planning to set up in line with the Vishakha Guidelines, nor on any other committee related to the Tejpal case,” Zubaan Books stated.
The tweet also said that Butalia wrote to Tehelka managing editor Shoma Chaudhury Nov 22 that constituting such a committee was redundant.
“Any such committee that was planned was redundant now that due process under the law has begun,” added the tweet.
Chaudhary said Friday that Tehelka was constituting a formal committee, headed by Urvashi Butalia, to investigate the! incident involving the sexual assault allegations against Tehelka editor-in-chief and founder Tarun Tejpal by a woman journalist.