Trinamool calls for Ganguly’s resignation

Trinamool Congress on Wednesday demanded the resignation of former Supreme Court Judge Ashok Ganguly as chairman of West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) in the wake of allegation of sexual harassment by a woman law intern.
“TMC has noted with anxiousness and concern the charges of sexual harassment against Justice Ganguly,” Derek O’Brien, TMC parliamentary party chief whip in Rajya Sabha, told PTI in Kolkata.
“While the charges made by the intern relate to an earlier period, it cannot but leave an impact on public perception of his current role as chairman of WBHRC,” party national spokesperson said.
The TMC, O’Brien said, has followed an approach of zero tolerance when it comes to safety and dignity of women in workplace and ‘toxic phenomenon of sexual harassment’.
It is for people in senior position in public life to act as role models and not just in upholding the standard of conducts with female colleagues but also in responding expeditiously and with sensitivity when they themselves face charges of this nature.
“As such, it would be wholly incumbent upon Justice Ganguly to step down from his position as chairman of WBHRC and restore the sanctity of the office he currently holds.
“Public propriety and sense of decency demand this. I, therefore, urge Justice Ganguly to resign as chairman of WBHRC,” he said.