Sachin under attack in Rajya Sabha for prolonged absence

Sachin Tendulkar was again under attack in Rajya Sabhatoday for his prolonged absence even as the cricket icon sought to control damage by applying for leave for the entire Budget session, which was granted amid strong opposition from members.
Members cutting across party lines termed his long absence as “disrespect to the House and the nation” and there were demands for explanation from him particularly when he was here in Delhi to attend a programme near Parliament last week but did not come to the Rajya Sabha.
The issue cropped up during Zero Hour as soon as Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien sought permission of the House for grant of leave to Sachin, who has attended the House only three times since his nomination over two years back.
Kurien said Sachin has sent a leave application expressing inability to attend the 232nd session (current session) of the Rajya Sabha on account of “professional and personal commitments and family exigencies”.
Naresh Agarwal (SP) immediately objected to grant of leave to him saying, “Sachin Tendulakar had come to Delhi to attend a function at Vigyan Bhawan near Parliament but did not come to the House. The members’ views are unanimous that he has no respect for the House.”
Sachin was at a programme in Vigyan Bhawan, nearly 3 km from Parliament, on August 8 where he said he could not attend the House because his elder brother had to undergo a heart surgery.
Responding to Agarwal’s contention, Kurien observed: “So many members remain absent for various reasons and it is for the Chair to investigate why they didn’t come. You cannot object.”