Prashant Bhushan apologises to Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Wednesday took exception to counsel Prashant Bhushan’s comment that it was hesitant in taking action against Attorney-General G.E. Vahanvati, but later in the day accepted his apology that he did not intend to lower the esteem of the court or hurt judges.
The apex court bench headed by Justice R.M. Lodha, hearing the matter of irregularities in coal blocks allocation, capped the controversy as it recorded Mr. Bhushan’s statement: “I have highest regard for the court and if the statement of mine has hurt the court, I apologise.”
At the outset of the hearing, Justice Lodha said that when the extracts of the interview by Mr. Bhushan to a news magazine were brought to their notice, they were deeply hurt. More so, because such a statement came from an arguing counsel and that too Mr. Bhushan.