Gay sex is a matter of personal freedom: Rahul

Congress vice-president on Thursday expressed himself against the Supreme Court order which declared homosexuality as illegal, saying he agrees with the Delhi High Court which had de-criminalised gay sex.
“I personally believe that these are matters of personal freedom. I think, I would agree more with High Court verdict,” the Congress vice–president said in brief remarks to media without taking any questions.
The Delhi High Court had declared homosexuality as legal but the Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned that verdict.
“I think these matters should be left to the individuals.
These are personal choices. This country is known for its freedom, freedom of expression. So let that be,” Mr. Gandhi said.
The SC ruling has triggered uproar, prompting the government to promise urgent steps to overturn it.
His comments came hours after his mother and Congress president Sonia Gandhi said she was disappointed that the apex court had reversed the High Court judgement and hoped Parliament would address the matter.
“I hope that Parliament will address the issue and uphold the constitutional guarantee of life and liberty to all citizens of India, including those directly affected by the judgement,” the UPA Chairperson said.