Central team in Guntur District to assess cyclone damage

Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) – A team sent by the Central Government has reportedly reviewed the situation on ground in the cyclone-hit coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh’s Guntur District.
The three-member inter-ministerial team assessed damage to standing crops of cotton, chillies, paddy and vegetables.
They also saw a photo exhibition depicting the extent of damage, and were told by farmers that some of the flood-ravaged crops have been saved.
Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and leader of the team Shambhu Prasad has confirmed that a report on the team’s visit would be submitted to the government soon.
The government will then determine how much financial assistance is to be given from the National Natural Calamities Relief Fund.
Referring to the damage caused to the standing cotton crop due to rains every year, Prasad asked agriculture scientists to evolve rain-resistant seed strains.