An offbeat getaway to Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary

I considered myself to be quite well-informed when it came to geography but I was in for a surprise when one of my friends suggested that we spend our week long holiday at Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary. I had not even heard about this so in a blink of an eye the decision was “Yes”. We were in Indore for our project so we decided to book a licensed and top-rated cab in Indore to drive us down to the Sanctuary. Who can deny a good old road trip with a friend while not having to worry about driving, getting the car serviced before leaving the city and so on…
No doubt, it was a long drive but the route was worth the effort. From Indore to Bistan was a comfortable smooth road but after that it gets a little rough. The surroundings however were pretty interesting. We were glad that we hired a cab with an experienced driver because the roads were pretty confusing and slightly craggy. Small villages, forest roads and no available option for food and drinks… it was an intense drive but we were prepared because our cab agency had informed us before hand about the conditions of the route; justifying my spending money on a car rental service.
A big benefit of a road trip is the twists and turns one can take along the way. Since we were not in a hurry, we took a diversion to Sirvel Mahadev temple. What a splendid decision! Refreshing waterfalls and an adventurous walk on narrow pathways along with a somewhat steep climb gave us quite an adrenaline rush; even if for just a little while, it was worth it. From there on it was more of a nature trail sort of a drive.
The rough patchy roads were a little overwhelming but the small rustic villages and streams along the way were energizing. A pit-stop at one of these river streams made me realize what we city folks are missing in our stressful lives. In our race to be one up against each other we miss out on appreciating smaller aspects like the beauty of nature. We must have halted for less than 30 minutes but that time refreshed and relaxed me so much so that I promised myself a treat with nature at least once every 6 months.
Anyway, to cut short the philosophical thought and moving ahead geographically… we headed to our destination which was the Jalgaon forest bungalow. We did have a little trouble arranging a stay there but somehow things worked out. Sipping tea while gazing over the calm serene surrounding awakened the Wordsworth in me; I thought he was lost somewhere in the everyday routine but nature has its way of surprising you!
After a chilled out evening, it was time for a night drive around the forest area. We had a local person who showed us around and told us about the vivid flora and fauna. The animals found here include Flying Squirrel, Chinkara, Sloth, Barking Deer, Leopards and more, while one can spot quite a few migratory birds as well. Though there’s a lot here but what I enjoyed the most was the picturesque landscape. The beauty of these is most definitely incomparable. After a short while we were advised to head back to our bungalow.
Next day we explored the deep forests and I felt so good about our decision to avail a car rental service from Indore itself with a reliable driver because our drive here required off road driving experience which our driver had. After exploring the forest and capturing some wildlife on our cameras we headed back to our lodging. Without wasting much time we headed to Unapdev hot springs. It was alright, nothing great but since it was one of the prime tourist attractions we had to explore it.
We were treated quite well at the rest house because hardly anyone stays in the sanctuary for more than a day or two but we wanted to unwind here for a few more days. When would one get a chance to just sit in the lap of nature while sipping coffee and doing absolutely nothing! We surely needed this recoup because even after our trips to the most luxurious hotels around the country, we didn’t feel this tranquility. I think this is why we address nature as “Mother.” One feels at peace when in her lap and all worries take a back seat while a sense of energy refreshes your mind and body. The calmness readies you to take on whatever is coming next. If you ask me to summarize our getaway to the Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary in a few words, all I would say is, “Mother nature, thank you!”