Women more likely to be hit by `booze blues` than boys

London – A recent study has revealed that gender can determine the effects of alcohol on a person’s mood.
Researchers in Denmark threw a party for 230 high-school students to examine how their blood alcohol content affected cheerfulness, sluggishness and how easily they were distracted, Metro.co.uk reported.
The study, which was done on adolescents between the age of 15 to 20, found that low to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with increased cheerfulness among adolescents attending high-school parties.
Marie Eliasen, professor at University of Southern Denmark, said that extensive alcohol consumption lead to high BACs with decreased cheerfulness in girls, whereas this was not the case with boys.
The study found that alcohol can put a smile on young men’s face all night, while ladies would peak at a certain point before getting tired and emotional.
The study is published in the journal of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.