Use this to remove odour from stinky foods

Scientists have developed a new film that could neutralise the odours of even the smelliest of foods such as onions, garlic, certain cheeses and the notoriously stinky Asian durian fruit.
The fetid smell of some foods makes it difficult to take them anywhere without offending others such as fellow train or bus riders.
No amount of plastic wrap seems to contain their stench, but now scientists have developed a new film that could neutralise the odours of even the most pungent fare.
Lennart Bergstrom from Stockholm University, Sweden, and his colleagues came up with a new packaging solution.
The researchers developed a film out of zeolites, which are microporous solids containing aluminum and silicon, and cellulose from wood.
Testing the material showed that it could trap the sulfur-containing compounds often responsible for bad food smells. This adsorption reduced odours to levels below what humans can sniff out.
The study was published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.