Use of mobile phones risk of brain tumours: Study

The study is done by researchers from France. The authors of the study, however, said that they will have to conduct more study to confirm if there’s added risk and the devices people are using keep evolving which means more research is needed going forward.
Dr. L. Dade Lunsford, a distinguished professor of neurosurgery specializing in brain tumor management at the University of Pittsburgh said that this isn’t the first study to talk about a link between tumor risk and heavy cell phone use.
“But these kinds of studies rely on people to recall how much they have used cell phones in the past with no indication of their actual use,” said Lunsford.
Dr. Seung-Kwon Myung of South Korea’s National Cancer Center said that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are emitted by the cell phones and they may cause cancer but it is still not proven. Myung analyzed all the previous studies of cell phone use and brain tumors.The World Health Organization’s International Agency on Cancer in 2011 classified this radiation as possibly carcinogenic.
The French team, led by Dr. Gaelle Coureau of the Universite Bordeaux Segalen, used a cancer registry to find out adults with meningiomas or gliomas, the two most common types of brain tumors affecting the adults.