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Tips On How Can Introverts Live With Extrovert Roommates

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Moving to a new space is a roller-coaster ride in itself. It’s obvious you are going to meet and live with a clan of people who’ll have various kinds of personalities and temperaments, which might be totally different from yours. Well, in those cases, our cerebrum is hit with thoughts like how am I going to adjust and live with such different personalities? Well, you’ll have to convince yourself that individual differences are meant to exist in nature and that’s one thing which makes us unique in our own way.

Various people migrate to metropolitan cities like Bangalore and living in a PG in Bangalore will introduce you to them. At first, you might find it difficult to adjust and get along with them because of your introverted personality. Whereas, on the other hand, your roommate might be an extrovert and be more active than you in terms of initiating a conversation or inviting you for some fun activities. But, you needn’t worry as we have got some tips for you to gel well with your extrovert roomie!

Understand Extroversion

Extroverts are often termed as, social butterflies and their common traits are – friendly, energetic, unconstrained, and expressive. They break the ice when meeting new individuals and will in general have outward confidence — you can legitimately consider them the “life of the party.” However, the trademark characteristic of a social butterfly is their propensity to feel their best when encircled by people, a direct inverse to their withdrawn partners (introverts), who recover their energy in isolation. In the same vein, when you put up under one roof, try to understand their personality type. You might find them a bit enthusiastic, But, they’re surely a bundle of good times. Which will not, in turn, leave you bored and missing out on family much. In no time, they’ll become your favorite humans.

They Mingle Easily

For instance, you both are shifting to the best pg in Kormangala. The idea of being in a new place altogether and learning to adjust there might haunt you a bit. On the other hand, your fellow extrovert roomie might be excited about it. The excitement of meeting new people and the idea of making new friends with neighbors will loom in their heads. They love to meet new people and since they are jolly by nature, they tend to mingle up easily in comparison to you.

Set Boundaries

Despite the fact that extroverts are talkers, they can also beat around the bush when examining something significant. Realize that extroverts are the people who are over enthusiastic and does it all will, in general, be dominating and will try to make all the house — which is fine if that you can both agree on that. However, the best activity is to make the rules together so you both get a state clarity from the initial point itself. If you don’t like certain things regarding their lifestyle for instance, if they listen to loud music, you can request them either to lower down the volume or use sound gear.

You’ll Adjust with Time

It’s not that all of a sudden you’d be absolutely fine with everything around will adjust in a new place and mingle with your extrovert mate. Take a pause, and tell yourself, it will fine, slowly. It might be a drastic change for you to take it in altogether. But, with the time you’ll make peace with your roomie and fit in well in the new place.

These are some of the tips through which you can adjust with your extrovert roommate. As it is said opposite attracts, it might hold true for you, and who knows, you may foster a close bond with each other over time.

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