Porn site viewing drops during holidays and major sports events

New York, November 24: A new study by a porn site has revealed that porn site usage drops during major sporting and news events.
The study done by PornHub website said that 2012 Thanksgiving saw traffic on the XXX site 29 percent less than an average day in US, while 22 percent on average worldwide, the New York Post reported.
However, on Black Friday, traffic rose again by 7 percent, while during the royal wedding UK porn viewing dropped 15 percent, then spiked back for the rest of the day and when Osama bin Laden was killed, there was 7 percent fewer visits from US users.
Christmas Eve saw porn clicking rates dropping worldwide by 22 percent, and Israeli porn viewing sagged 40 percent on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
2012 Independence Day in US saw porn viewing dropping to 27 percent, while New Year’s Eve was porn-lite around the globe — with a 34 percent drop in the Web site’s use in the US, and even higher drops elsewhere in the world.