Why people suck at picking gifts

Melbourne – Have you ever wondered why people don’t like your gifts?
Dr Mary Steffel, from the University of Cincinnati and Dr Robyn LeBoeuf, from the University of Florida, have found that people who are bad at giving gifts are the one who try to buy individual presents to suit each of their recipients, News.com.au reported.
American researchers have discovered that people care too much about what presents they should give.
Researchers said that when people have multiple recipients on their mind, they need more gifts, which changes their focus and they make blunders while selecting gifts.
According to the study, the shoppers who select gifts for more than one person at a time, focus on getting different gifts for each recipient instead of selecting gifts which each individual would like best.
The researchers said that more the people try to be thoughtful about what they are buying, the more they ignore the suitable options and end up picking something completely different.
The study was published in the Journal of Consumer Research.