`Oil pulling therapy` latest fad in dental care

Melbourne – The newest trend in the dental care industry is the age-old ‘oil pulling therapy’, which basically involves gargling with any type of oil for 20 minutes each morning on an empty stomach.
The new therapy, which originated more than 3000 years ago from Ayurveda, apparently “pulls” bacteria and other debris from the mouth to give you fresher breath, healthier gums, whiter teeth while protecting you from many chronic health problems, News.com.au reported.
The therapy supposedly gets rid of toxins like parasites, pesticides, preservatives, additives and environmental toxins present in the mouth.
Aside from oral benefits, people who back the ‘medical miracle’ claim that the therapy can cure chronic pain, insomnia, allergies, diabetes, asthma, digestive issues, heart disease, kidney disease, leukaemia and even AIDS.
However, there’s no scientific evidence to support the therapy’s supposed benefits.