Too much stress can lead to infertility in male

NEW YORK: A new study has revealed that too much stress can lead to sterility in males. According to the study, researchers have established a link between infertility in men and stress level. A detailed report about the study was published in famous Journal “Fertility and Sterility”.
The report submitted by the researchers mentioned that the increased stress level can damage the quality of sperms. The enhanced level of stress in males can affect the composition of semen and hampers the ability of sperms to fertilize the female ovum. Dr Pam Factor-Litvak, from Mailman School of Public Health said in her interview that “Men who feel stressed are more likely to have lower concentrations of sperm in their ejaculate, and the sperm they have are more likely to be misshapen or have impaired motility,”
The study was conducted on 193 men, and their age varied from 38 to 49 years. The test was conducted in order to test the effect of stress on quality of sperms. The men underwent different mental and physiological tests and their semen’s sample was then tested by the team of technicians.
The results showed the impact of stress on the quality of sperms. The study also established a link between low testosterone and increased stress level at work place. The quality of sperms collected from employed males is found to be better than unemployed males. Dr Teresa Janevic, member of the research team said “Stress has long been identified as having an influence on health. Our research suggests that men’s reproductive health may also be affected by their social environment,”