Meet the girl who is a `real-life Barbie`!

London – A girl who has been named the ‘real-life Barbie’ has revealed that she spends 4 hours everyday in perfecting herself.
Lhouraii Li, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, has claimed that her “extraordinary appearance” is a combination of Japanese fashion and pink princess Barbie, the Daily Express reported.
The 21-year-old girl has admitted that she never leaves her home without a “full-face of make-up”.
The real-life doll uses special eye-enlarging color contacts to make her eyes more captivating and doll-like, and has shaved her eyebrows in order to draw them higher so that they go well with her big eyes.
Li added that it’s not a “chore” for her, and the way other people get up and watch television, she gets up and does her make up and insisted that she finds it equally entertaining.