Poor sanitation practices leads to unfavorable pregnancy outcomes in India!

Indian ladies suffer majorly during pregnancy! Besides household chores and other responsibilities there are several other reasons which hamper the growth of a child in India during pregnancy.
But, do you know, what are the main reasons for the adverse pregnancy outcomes in India? They are poor sanitation practises like open defecation which affect several pregnant ladies in India according to a new research.
The research was done by Bijaya K Padhi from the Asian Institute of Public Health, Bhubaneswar, who with his colleagues enrolled 670 women during the first trimester of their pregnancy.
The group then recorded information about toilet access and sanitation practises for each woman at enrolment, and followed them through pregnancy until birth.
According to their study, nearly two-thirds of the women practised open defecation, and a quarter experienced an adverse pregnancy outcome.
The major consequences involved a preterm birth and/or having a baby with low birth weight.
The comparison was even done with those women who used a latrine and it was studied that a significantly greater risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes overall and preterm birth, but not low birth weight.