Overcome your iron deficiency with these foods

– Brown rice is packed with fibre, which flushes out toxins from your body while the iron in it is said to battle anaemia.
– Oatmeal also has iron apart from several other nutrients. A breakfast comprising oatmeal is a great way to start the day.
– Potatoes may seem like a high-calorie vegetable but have high sources of iron. Make them a regular part of your diet.
– Broccoli may not seem like a very appetising choice but is excellent for those suffering from iron deficiency.
– Strange as this sounds, strawberries all contain iron and its high vitamin C content also helps your body absorb more iron.
– Packed with nutrients, peas are beneficial when it comes to those looking to ‘up’ their iron intake.
– Spinach contains a lot of iron as well as vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron better.
– Black-eyed peas are another good source of iron.
– Snack on pumpkin seeds to increase iron in your body.