Your Guide to Running the Marathon

If you have registered for Mumbai’s annual January marathon, and are not a regular runner, don’t just strap on your shoes and hit the jogging track. You first need to check if you are fit to run.
Check your blood pressure, blood sugar, serum electrolytes, Vitamin D and calcium levels. If you have knock knees, bow legs or flat feet (‘pronated’ feet) and already suffer from knee or heel pain, you should see an orthopedic specialist. Should you have diabetes, high blood pressure or any heart disorder, please consult a physician. If you are extremely overweight, have a family history of arthritis, past injury to knee cartilages (‘meniscus’) or ligaments, then perhaps, low-impact exercises may be more appropriate before you start running.
Pick the right shoes
Shoes must be comfortable to prevent blisters, lightweight to reduce fatigue, provide support and stability, and also cushion the impact. The ideal shoes depend on whether the person has flat feet, high arches or normal feet. Flat feet or ‘overpronators’ tend to roll inwards on landing. Runners with such feet need shoes that provide more stability and have more material positioned in the mid-sole to lend support and control motion.
For runners with high arches or ‘underpronators’ — since their feet don’t roll inwards enough on impact, there is less natural cushioning when they hit the ground. They need shoes that provide extra cushioning. Normal feet roll inwards just the right amount to absorb the impact, so such runners don’t need shoes with extra cushioning or for extra stability. Ensure, in all cases, a thumb’s width between the nail of the big toe and the tip of the shoe to avoid nail problems and numbness of toes due swelling.
Make sure you wear socks designed for running — they should be made of moisture-absorbing fabric to prevent blisters, especially between toes, caused by sweat. The best socks are contoured to your feet to prevent the foot from moving inside the shoe while running, as this may lead to blisters on the sole. Some socks also provide extra cushioning to absorb impact.
Choose your tracks
Though running can be done on any surface, there are pros and cons of each type of surface. If you are starting out, a treadmill is a useful place to begin. You can alter the speed and incline of walking/running, measure distance and calories burnt, and use it round the year. Running on concrete or tarred roads is the most accessible, but also puts a lot of impact on the bones, muscles and joints. Uneven surfaces and potholes — common on our city roads — can cause injury. In such a case, a good pair of wellcushioned trainers helps absorb shock.
Running on grass (golf or race-course, cricket or football fields) is less damaging to the joints and is a viable option for older runners or those with an injury. It provides a harder workout, but also has uneven surfaces or hidden holes to watch out for. Running on sand, like Juhu beach, for instance, is better for the joints, but provides the hardest workout. It also burns the most calories and is great for muscle-strengthening, especially when done barefoot. Be warned: soft sand predisposes the body to ankle and heel injuries.
Running tracks, usually made of synthetic material, provide the most even surface for speed running. If they are well-maintained, they also have the least chance of injury. However, they are not ideal for long-distance running.
Time your run
I’m often asked if it is better to run in the mornings or in the evenings. It boils down to when you feel most energetic. Some people find that running early morning gets their day off to a great start, while others don’t feel awake enough to run. Likewise, running after a whole day’s work is a great stress-buster for some, while some may just want to get home and put their feet up. What is important is to run when you don’t feel the pressure of time.
If your office has the infrastructure that lets you take a shower, try running to work or during your lunch hour. With some planning (like, if you have a chauffeur) you might consider running back home after work.
How to start running
The “walk/run” technique is useful if you have never run before, or if you have taken up running after an interval. Running puts enormous amount of pressure on your body and it is vital to not overload you muscles, bones and joints. Start with walking for five minutes and gradually build your pace till you are jogging. Then run for one minute. As you approach the end of the one-minute run, slow down to a brisk walk and then ease into a walking pace. Repeat this cycle for half an hour. Do this on alternate days.
Your body heals on the days you don’t run. If you want, you can go for a walk on these ‘rest days’. Over the following weeks, increase your running time, but keep your walking time fixed. So, week two could be a fiveminute walk with a two-minute run. Before you realise it, you would have increased your running time. Gradually then, bring down your walking time.