Diabetes `ticking time bomb` for young Indians

New Delhi – With the prevalence of diabetes increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, the proportion of young people with the disease is also soaring.
The major cause for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes in young Asian adults is the increasing rate of obesity and decreasing rate of physical activity, leading to insulin resistance.
India today sits on the ticking time bomb of two closely interlinked epidemics- Obesity and Type 2 diabetes, aptly termed DIABESITY, Diabetic Living India reported.
Eating food high in complex carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fats together with sedentary lifestyles of reduced physical activity have caused an alarming increase in the prevalence of both diabetes and obesity in the country.
The rising trend seen in the prevalence of gestational diabetes among Asian women and the increased risk for future diabetes in them may also contribute to the escalating prevalence of diabetes in young people.
The development of type 2 diabetes among young individuals has significant public health consequences as these youth are likely to manifest the complications of diabetes, including retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy and cardiovascular disease, at a time that should be the most active and productive of their lives.
Several studies have shown that youth with type 2 diabetes develop early and rapidly progressing signs of heart and kidney disease, poor glycemic control and diabetes-related eye diseases.