Carrots, pumpkin seeds can make your skin glow

New York – Don’t let dry chilly weather rob your skin and hair of their glow and shine. Look in your kitchen for carrots, pumpkin seeds and pineapple to enhance your appearance. shares a list of foods that can work in favour of your looks:
– Carrots: Carrots have a high amount of beta-carotene, the precursor for vitamin A, among the common vegetables. Vitamin A is necessary for shiny and healthy hair and scalp.
– Pumpkin seeds: They are excellent source of zinc, sulphur and vitamin A. These help in building strong hair.
– Leafy greens: Be sure to eat beauty foods high in silica, which include leafy green vegetables, as well as a wide range of plant foods high in minerals and vitamins to grow strong, healthy nails.
– Pineapple: It promotes efficient digestion, which is what soft beautiful skin is dependent on. Pineapple is also high in vitamin C, which helps in the formation of collagen, a protein that helps grow new skin and blood vessels.
– Bananas: Lack of beauty sleep is a big contributor to dark under-eye circles, and bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps ward off irritability and insomnia, as well as magnesium, which promotes better sleep patterns.