Burned out? Here’s how you can bounce back

And if one does not take a break in time, it starts affecting one’s work performance and even relationships with family and friends. Find yourself constantly feeling tired, irritable and low? You could be suffering from a burn out. Here’s what you can do…
Are you constantly trying to please people? Experts say that over a period of time this will lead to tremendous mental pressure, leading to a burn out. Learn when to say a no and when to say a yes. While it may seem selfish, think about yourself first, if you have too much on your plate.
Take a break. This literally means to stop doing the things that stress you out. Take a few days off work and do things that make you happy and help you relax. It could be something as simple as listening to your favourite song on loop, going for a walk, cooking new dishes or reading. You could also try going on a mini vacation or go for spa treatments. Anything that unwinds you will help you feel better. Don’t expect miracles immediately — your mind and body also need time to recuperate.
Yoga and meditation are simple yet effective ways to deal with a burn out. Breathing exercises will calm your mind down and help you think more clearly.
Keep a diary and list your goals. Jot down things that mean a lot to you. This will also help you review your life and help you figure out with things that are most important.