Why females are crankier in mornings than males revealed

Melbourne – A new study has justified women’s usually grumpy behavior in the mornings, suggesting that females need more sleep than men and odds are, they don’t get enough.
Researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, found that women undergo a lot of stress, both mentally and physically, during the day and skimping on sleep only makes it worse, News.com.au reported.
Sleep-deprived women are more at risk of developing heart disease, depression, psychological problems, and strokes, and have higher inflammation markers, which are linked to pain, the study also found.
Dr Michael Breus said that the inflammation markers indicate that women can literally be in more pain when they wake up than men.
Breus added that the study also showed that sleep-deprived women had more depression, anger, and hostility early in the morning.
It is worth noting that the study also found that the state of a sleep deprived man’s health does not appear to be closely linked to how much he sleeps.