Why `dream dates` disappear revealed!

Washington – Ever wondered why a person you went on a few dates with and found “perfect” disappeared? Here are a few reasons.
The first few dates are just ‘meet and greets’ and getting to know each other better, so don’t get carried away by the picture you painted in your head about the other person and about your date, the Huffington Post reported.
Most men talk out aloud about a possible relationship, which women interpret as if they are interested and hinting at something. So the best thing you can do when you really like a date is to continue dating that person and others until the two of you decide to create a committed, exclusive relationship together.
Lisa Copeland, author of ‘The Winning Dating Formula For Women Over 50’, has suggested that in the initial dates, people should look for clues about whether or not your date is who he or she appears to be, and go slow while observing whether or not this person walks the talk.
Also, try to not blame yourself when a date disappears.