US despite being powerful, can’t dictate every outcome: John Kerry

WASHINGTON: America despite being enormously powerful, can’t dictate every outcome the way it wants because of the recent changes in global politics, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.
“You know, the United States has power, enormous power. But we can’t necessarily always dictate every outcome the way we want, particularly in this world,” Kerry told members of Senate Foreign Relations Committee during a Congressional hearing yesterday. “We have rising economic powers — China, India, Mexico, Korea, Brazil — many other people who are players. You know, 11 of the 15 people who used to receive aid from IMF are now donor countries. We’re living in a changed world,” Kerry said.
“We’re living in an extremely complicated world, unlike anything most of us grew up with,” he said.
The Secretary of State added, now with massive number of young people filled with aspirations because they are in touch with everybody in the world through the media, the social media, they know what is happening everywhere.
The top US diplomat, however acknowledging the US impact in other region said, President Barack Obama administration’s Asia Pacific rebalance has been welcomed by the countries in the region.
“Our rebalance to the Asia-Pacific has been supported and welcomed by people throughout the region. We also have great allies, great partners,” Kerry said.