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Rebekah Brooks once told Colin Montgomerie’s ex-wife ‘hacking voicemails easy’
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Rebekah Brooks once told Colin Montgomerie's ex-wife 'hacking voicemails easy'
London – Former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks once reportedly told Eimear Cook, the ex-wife of golfer Colin Montgomerie, that it was easy to access people’s voicemails.
During the phone-hacking trial, Cook revealed that Brooks had also said that it was ‘ludicrous’ that people did not know how to protect their privacy.
According to the BBC, the two had met at a private lunch in London in 2005 where Brooks, who was the editor of The Sun then, had disclosed how easy it was to listen to famous people’s voicemails, as long as they hadn’t changed their factory settings.
Cook had said that one needed to simply change the Pin code to make the voicemail secure.
The trial continues.
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