BRICS: Zero tolerance towards terrorism

In a strong endorsement of India, the five-nation BRICS summit has come out with a strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stressed that there can be no justification for any acts of terror based on ideological, political or religious issues.
“We call upon all entities to refrain from financing, encouraging, providing training for or otherwise supporting terrorist activities. We believe that the UN has a central role in coordinating international action against terrorism, which must be conducted in accordance with international law, including the UN charter, and with respect to human rights and fundamental freedoms,” said the 17—page Fortaleza Declaration at the end of the summit on Tuesday.
In his remarks at the private session of the BRICS leaders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also sought collective action of the states in ensuring that no sanctuary is given to terrorists.
In this context, the declaration said, the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of the UN Global Counter—Terrorism Strategy.
“We express our concern at the increasing use, in a globalised society, by terrorists and their supporters of information and communications technologies, in particular the internet and other media, and reiterate that such technologies can be powerful tools in countering the spread of terrorism, including by promoting tolerance and dialogue among peoples.
“We will continue to work together to conclude possible negotiations and to adopt in the UN general Assembly the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. We also stress the need to promote cooperation among our countries in preventing terrorism, especially in the context of major events,” the declaration said.