India-Myanmar relations rooted in history: Mukherjee

New Delhi – Terming relations between India and Myanmar as being rooted in history, Indian President Pranab Mukherjee Thursday said it is in the mutual interest of both the countries to strengthen these ties.
“Both countries have shared close cultural, religious, business and trade relations. It is in their mutual interest to strengthen these ties,” he told a 23-member parliamentary delegation from Myanmar.
Mukherjee said both the parliaments (of India and Myanmar) have a big role in steering and supporting cooperation for the mutual benefit of the people. “India stands ready to support Myanmar’s efforts in whichever way it can,” he added.
The delegation was led by U Khin Aung Myint, speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw or the upper house of the Myanmar parliament.
The president said over the past year there have been a series of high-level exchange! s with Myanmar. “Such exchanges between the representatives of people help increase understanding and enhance friendship.”
Aung Myint said that despite a large land and maritime border between the two countries, there has never been any problem between them.