Iran and West to begin drafting nuke deal post ‘dramatic’ progress in talks

London – Iran and Western powers are all set to start drafting a nuclear agreement, an official said.
Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the international negotiations on its nuclear programme has made dramatic progress, but both an interim deal and a longer-term settlement would rely on the contribution of western diplomats, the Guardian reports.
A senior U.S. State Department official also confirmed that Secretary John Kerry will travel to Geneva on Friday at the invitation of EU foreign policy chief Lady Ashton in an effort to help seal the agreement to defuse tensions in the Gulf.
Iran has reportedly agreed for a cap on the uranium enrichment level of about 5 percent, which would be sufficient for generating fuel for its nuclear power stations, the report added.
The agreement will also define Iran’s control over developing a heavy-water reactor at Arak to produce plutonium, and an extensive and intrusive inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).