Britain, US to continue supporting Libya

London – British Foreign Secretary William Hague and US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday that their countries would continue efforts to support Libya.
According to a statement issued by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the two top officials held talks here Sunday afternoon following breakthrough talks on Iran’s nuclear prog! ram in Geneva, Xinhua reported.
It said Hague then joined Kerry for talks with Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan in London, during which Zeidan gave an update on the latest developments in Libya including the efforts to achieve a Libyan-led political settlement.
Hague reiterated Britain’s commitment to support Libya’s transition, in particular a Libyan-led political settlement.
“As part of its package of support the UK is training 2,000 Libyan Armed Forces personnel in basic infantry skills,” the foreign office said in the statement.
Hague and Kerry welcomed the pullout of armed militias from Tripoli and hoped this would be a step towards state forces providing national security.
“The UK and the US are committed to working closely with European partners and the UN to ensure Libya continued to get all necessary support to improve its security and stability,” it said.