Setting Yourself Apart: How to Make Yourself Stand Out from the Competition as a Business Professional

In business, competition is everywhere. It’s in the 100 other job applications which may have been received by the same job posting, or it’s in the leading competitor of a business’s particular market. Competition can often bring out the best in people, but when it comes to business, overtaking the competition can be key to landing a dream job, or even for staying afloat.
If you’re looking to set yourself apart from the competition, either as a job applicant or as a business leader, here’s how you can make yourself stand out.
Get Your Social Media in Order
When you’re applying for a job
Your social media profiles should be a safe and fun space for you to reveal your personality and share what interests you. Having complete freedom when it comes to your social media profile is great, and usually, you may not think twice about what you post.
However, due to the important role social media plays in the online world and this day and age, it’s always likely that potential new employers may look you up on social media to learn more about you. After all, social media is key in learning more about you as a person compared to what you might officially state on a job application.
It’s a good idea when actively applying for jobs, to edit or clean up your social media if you need to. You shouldn’t have to hide or change your personality to some extent, but it’s worth a look to see if there’s anything on there which might seem strange to a professional who’s deciding whether to hire you for a job.
When you’re a business leader
The importance of social media also applies to leading business professionals or businesses. Your social media platform reveals a lot about you. Therefore, this can be key in allowing you to stand out from the competition if consumers are browsing through businesses and trying to decide which company to invest their money in.
Therefore, making sure that your professional social media profiles are up to scratch is a must and a crucial marketing tactic.
Improve Your Qualifications
When you’re applying for a job
There’s no downside to improving your academic achievements and qualifications, especially when you’re looking to get ahead in your career. Even if you have the minimum which some job postings are asking for, you may be up against a wealth of people who also possess the minimum qualifications. By setting yourself apart in gaining a higher qualification, this can give you the edge and make your application stand out. This can then give you the best chance at any job roles you are applying for.
Even if you have a high degree status, such as a Masters, there’s always more to learn and better ways to improve yourself — as well as to improve your chances — as shown through a Doctor of Business Administration online qualification. The jobs you are looking for may require a minimum of an MBA, for example, but think how much your application would stand out if you are the only candidate with a DBA.
When you’re a business leader
Additionally, the same can be applied to any business professional looking to develop important business relationships or gain the attention of potential suppliers, customers or partners. If you’re the head of a company and you have the very best qualifications to back up your credentials, people are going to feel more confident working with you and be able to rely more easily on your expertise.
Not only that, but further study can help you to learn new and important skills which can further your knowledge about how to overtake the competition, and which methods to implement to make sure that your company always stands out.
When it comes to business, you can never learn too much.
Always Follow Up
When you’re applying for a job
When you don’t hear back from a job application, or even from an interview, it can be very easy to assume the worst. What’s important to remember is that there may be a high number of applications and candidates which companies have to filter through before they make their decision, so a long wait doesn’t always mean a negative response.
This is why following up will always be a good idea. Firstly, it can help you to stand out if you’re one of a few people who decided to follow up (or maybe even the only one) as it helps to remind your potential new company about your interest. Secondly, it shows that you’re keenly interested in the position and looking for feedback, so following up shows a motivated attitude towards the job position.
While it’s important to follow up, it’s also important not to overdo it. A simple, friendly email thanking the company for their time and asking for feedback is beneficial, but don’t bombard them with emails — and, if you still don’t hear back, it might be time to let it go.
When you’re a business leader
To drive a more successful business, you will want to follow up on potential leads. Customers may need a push to complete an order or make an enquiry, so following up after key activity can often make a difference. If a customer has been enquiring with a few companies, but yours is the only one who made an effort to send a professional follow up email, this could be what sways them to do business with you.
Additionally, this method also applies to the after-sales process. Following up with customers after they have done business with you is a great way to promote positive customer interactions, as well as key feedback like reviews. All this effort shows that you care about what your customers have to say, and there are valuable lessons to be learned from feedback that could give you the edge over the competition as you go forward.