Was Oprah in on dad’s scheme to dupe step-mom out of barbershop?

Washington – Oprah Winfrey may have known about her father’s attempt at defrauding her stepmom out of profits for the sale of their barber shop.
According to divorce documents, Vernon put the barbershop into foreclosure to cheat Barbara Winfrey as he knew that his media proprietor daughter would buy the barbershop out of foreclosure, which would then squeeze his wife out and he would end up with title once she gave it to him, TMZ reported.
It is revealed that when the barbershop went into foreclosure, Oprah’s trust purchased it and deeded it to her father and his business partner, leaving her step mother in the cold.
Hence, the judge seems to be insinuating that the 59-year-old talk show host may have been in on her dad’s plan to ace Barbara out of money in the divorce.