Is Ameesha Patel related to Faisal Patel? The actress reacts to the proposal

BTown gossip journalists are working overtime on Ameesha Patel and Faisal Patels alleged relationship following their social media pranks. The son of the late leader of Parliament Ahmed Patel turns one year old on Decemer 30. Ameesha took to Twitter to wish her a sincere irthday. Faisal responded to Ameeshas happy irthday tweet y expressing her feelings. He proposed to her pulicly on Twitter leaving internet users wondering if they were dating.
It all started on Faisals special irthday on Decemer 30 the actress shared a collage to wish him and wrote: “Happy irthday to Faisal Patel honey I love you wish you luck. Have a good year.” y Faisals reply who said: “I officially proposed in pulic. Will you marry me?” However he later deleted the tweet.
Now Ameesha Patel has purged the air once and for all saying she is just friends with Faisal Patel. other for many years. I am friends with him and his sister. This message is just an inside joke etween us. Nothing else. I am single and happy to e single. Im not interested in eing in a relationship at the moment. Faisal is the one who likes to make this joke” the actress told Bomay Times.
To delete the tweet Ameesha explained “I told her you shouldnt delete the post and I would reply to the post in my style. But he said he started getting calls from people. See thats what happens with pulic figures you cant even joke in pulic.
Talking aout their relationship the actress added “We oth have political ackgrounds. My grandfather lawyer Rajni Patel worked with (former Prime Minister of India) Indira Gandhi. while Mr. Ahmed Patel worked with Sonia Gandhi. Our family has known each other for three generations. I am very close to Uncle Ahmed. Me and Faisal are also mutual friends. “