3:30 am - Saturday March 15, 2025

Health & Fitness

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Wrong habits may cause sleepless nights
Fructose itself has no impact on heart d...

Fructose itself has no impact on heart disease: study

Toronto – Fructose, naturally found in fruit, vegetables and honey, is the sugar often blamed for the obesity epidemic and doctors the world over warn against having an excess of it. A new research has shown that fructose does not itself has any impact on an emerging marker for the risk of... read more »

Slowing down eating speed reduces hunger
Slowing down eating speed reduces hunger

Slowing down eating speed reduces hunger

Washington – A new study by Indian origin researcher has suggested that the ability to control energy intake may be affected by the speed at which we eat, and a high eating rate may impair the relationship between the sensory signals and processes that regulate how much we eat. In order to... read more »

Healthy? Check heart rhythm to avoid stroke
Healthy? Check heart rhythm to avoid str...

Healthy? Check heart rhythm to avoid stroke

New York – It is no longer uncommon to see young and apparently healthy people getting a stroke — and the cause may well be a heart rhythm disorder. So the next time you experience a rapid and irregular heart beat in carrying out not so stressful activities like climbing stairs, time... read more »

Men at equal risk of cervical cancer: study
Men at equal risk of cervical cancer: st...

Men at equal risk of cervical cancer: study

New York – And you thought vaccination against cervical cancer is what only women need to deliberate upon? Wrong. Debunking earlier researches, a new study has found that women are more than twice as likely as men to pass on the human papilloma virus (HPV) – the primary cause for the... read more »

More from Health & Fitness

New Good Night ring promises to make snoring history!

New Good Night ring promises to make snoring history!

London – A ring has been invented by Michael Carter-Smith – a saxophonist in the 1960s with rock band Amen Corner – and who claims that it targets pressure points on... read more »

Want to stop smoking? Seek professional help

Want to stop smoking? Seek professional help

Washington – A new study has found that smokers in England who want to stop smoking are three times more likely to succeed if they see a trained advisor than if they try by... read more »

Scientists identify drug for AIDS treatment

Scientists identify drug for AIDS treatment

New York – In a major breakthrough, new research has identified how HIV infection causes mass suicide of immune cells and how an existing anti-inflammatory drug can block cellular... read more »

Ever anxious? A stroke may be on its way

Ever anxious? A stroke may be on its way

New York – Everyone experiences bouts of anxiety now and then. But when it’s elevated or reaches chronic levels, it may affect your heart down the road. That is the finding of a... read more »

Small changes to kids’ fast food meals can help cut calorie consumption

Small changes to kids’ fast food meals can help cut calorie consu...

Washington – Researchers have revealed that small changes to common combo meals in places like McDonald’s restaurants can help reduce kids’ calorie consumption. Researchers at Cornell... read more »